Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wow! a year already?

   I started this blog just before Christmas last year.  When I started, I had set a goal to lose fifty pounds and though I'm not there yet, I did lose twenty. My new years resolution will be to continue this goal.  I won't be on some miracle diet.  Instead I will take one day at a time.  I will keep track of what I eat and make smart choices.  If I want chocolate, I'll have it, but I will be aware of how much I eat so I don't over indulge.
   I will continue to post finished projects here.  I will be taking a class so that I can learn the names of the stitches I use.  I want to crochet everything from sweaters to socks and even a teddy bear.  I would like to know what types of things you as my readers would like to see.

Friday, December 9, 2011


    The other day, I saw a video on http://singledadlaughing.com .  It was posted by a boy named Jonah who was starting Junior high.  He, like so many was being bullied.  In his case because he was gay.  People called him names and they were horrible.  I really felt bad for this kid because on some level, I could relate.  No, I'm not gay and no, this is not a pity party.
   In my case, I am special needs or what ever politically correct term people want to assign this week.  I was born two months early at three pounds four ounces and as a result of this (as well as some trauma during my birth) I have a minor case of cerebral Palsy and hydrocephalous.  These are things that I deal with but they are not the reason for this post.
   As I said before, I felt for Jonah because like him and so many others, I had been bullied.  One year I decided I had enough so, I snapped my glasses in half and tossed them in a trash can along with my math book.  I guess I thought they would fix things.
   I know someone who was bullied because he was white when most kids he went to school with weren't.
   I don't pretend to understand why bullies pick on certain people but My guess is that they look for something different about their "victim" weather it be a disability or someone who is more academic minded then their peers.  They could be the wrong race, or perhaps they are gay.  My point here is that bullying happens to many people for many different reasons.  No matter what the reason, bullying has lasting effects and it's W R O N G!